HELLO and welcome to a place of entertainment! Where you will see the creative endeavors of your host RainRunner2233!
Take a look around! Although there is not much here to look at, that will NOT be the case for long. As of recent, I've started a project on YouTube, and aim to finish making an episode each month!
However, I also have responsibilities outside of this monitor. Things like "work" and "education" and "relationships". As much as I'd like to work on my project forever none-stop, I cannot. That doesn't mean I don't try though.
Perhaps I can guide you to the "about me" section? You'll learn more about me there. Or don't! I'm not your dad :p... nerd


Here you'll see the past updates to this website, starting with

8/20/24. I have updated the ITR section of the page. It has been optimized for mobile phones, making it more touch friendly.
The blog will be updated soon. It's just that university has started, so I'm a little backed up on work right now.

7/18/24. I've added music to the site! controls should be on the "active?" section! I'm not to sure if I should keep this option here or not, so please inform me through the "contact" section. thank you.

7/15/24. I've made a blog section to type out my thoughts! It should be fun. I even made it compatable with RSS feeds!
We getting self therepy tonight!

7/14/24. I have returned, with quality of life changes! The official site will be undergoing several different changes. Here is a few of those changes
Background image settings, and how it looks. The background image was always a pain in the butt, but I've gotten it into a position that I really like.
The games section will be getting more games soon, so look forward to that soon. should be about next week.
I have also officially brought my side project out of hiatus, and its third part is made!
Updated the logs, and wiki sections accordingly. Have fun looking at my notes!

5/1/24. The page has been transferred from W3Schools, to Neocities!
Made some website optimizations, and updated the projects page!

4/13/24. The page is created! and is rapidly changing!


If I'm active and feel like it, I'll update you all on what I'm doing!

Taking university classes, AND editing my video AT THE SAME TIME

playing: headpats
by: Glyde